Latest Release

Idle Idle - Alex Regeimbal

Alex Regeimbal

This song is written from a place of climate joy. From a rare moment of optimism where I could imagine us taking care of each other and building a better world together. I think that we're already doing this - not to the scale we need to see, but that it's happening in live time. Building a better world for each other in the ruins of the old one.

This song is written from a place of climate joy. From a rare moment of optimism where I could imagine us taking care of each other and building a better world together. I think that we're already doing this - not to the scale we need to see, but that it's happening in live time. Building a better world for each other in the ruins of the old one. I hope this song gives you a moment of solace in hard times. I hope this song sparks curiosity of where we can keep growing and expanding into compassion. I hope this song meets you where you're at and brightens your day a little bit. Much love, Alex Regeimbal

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